The Fast Track
to Cancer Insights

Tumor Characterization Using a Single Slide

Pentaomix Solution

The Challenge

Pathologists need better tools to provide fast and accurate diagnosis in complex cases.

The decision process is long, complex, labor intensive and vulnerable to human errors

Tissue is the issue – in many cancer types, including lung and brain, tissue availability is a limiting factor for full characterization

Personalize drug matching is an ever-harder challenge as the number of immunotherapy options increase

The challenge of subtyping in lymphoma

There are over 80 different sub-types of lymphoma, which are treated according to different protocols with very high costs.

Identifying the correct sub-type is a challenging, time-consuming task, requiring the pathologist to combine information from many (>15) different biomarkers.

Information on the co-localization of markers on the same cells is missing as standard-of-care includes staining multiple slides each with a single marker.

The challenge of small amount of tissue in lung cancer

Currently, tissue availability limits the ability to fully diagnose each patient and as a result some do not receive targeted therapy.

Pentaomix Solution

Enabling the visualization of cancer using a single pathological slide

Staining multiple (5-15) biomarkers on the same slide, in one step (multiplexing).


Mapping each biomarker using a fast hyperspectral scanner


Visualization and AI-Based Decision Support Tools, enabling the pathologist to quickly see the unique features of each patient’s cancer

Pentaomix System Benefits

All the information on one slide
Fast Diagnosis
Faster overall time to diagnosis
Decision Support Tools
Maximize information, improve diagnosis and avoid human errors
Small Tissue Amount
Save precious tissue for later, perform additional tests
Enable Review
Enable review: Medical team, 2nd Opinion, Training
Reduced workload of pathologists
Save pathologist time and improve operational metrics

Analysis & Decision Support

Cell classification +
Cell classification according to the expressed biomarkers, counting, statistics
Diagnosis +
Decision support tools, assisting in complex diagnosis challenges, indicating most-probable diagnosis options compatible with the data.
Drug matching +
Analyzing and quantifying the spatial aspects in the tumor microenvironment (TME), extracting parameters such as tumor 'heat', as a tool to support drug matching.

Pentaomix Technology

Using an innovative hyperspectral imaging technology our system obtains a full color spectrum at each point on the sample.

This detailed information, un-accessible by the human eye nor by standard RGB cameras, enables us to differentiate between the multiple different markers applied to the slide.

Utilizing Fourier spectroscopy combined with imaging, our technology enables fast, efficient scanning, while keeping the system simple and robust.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004462

About Pentaomix

We are passionate entrepreneurs, with extensive experience in the medical device and healthcare.

We seek to improve lives by overcoming one the greatest challenges faced by the healthcare system in the 21st century – that of precision medicine, and specifically in cancer treatment.

Pentaomix Team

Prof. Yuval Garini
Co-Founder, CSO
Dr. Boaz Brill
Co-Founder, CEO
Prof. Iris Barshack
Scientific Advisor
Dr. Shmoolik Mangan
Image Processing
Dr. Oren Ben-Ami
Leonid Zakharin
System Engineer
The Pentaomix system is under development and is not currently available for clinical use.

Contact Us

We're here to answer any question. We look forward to hearing from you.  | 10 Plaut St. Entrance B, 3rd floor, Rehovot, Israel


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